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Best beauty tips

Every girl wants fair and healthy skin.

So we are telling some very good and easy way to boost your fairness and health via best beauty tips.

We all wants to look fair and beautiful.
 but due to pollution, work, stress, improper diet,driking and smoking habbits or climatic conditions not every girl is able to maintain her skin fair and glowing. So guys today i am here with you to share some tips to make you skin healthier.

You can follow these simple tips with your busy schedule for making you skin much glower than ever before.

Stay hydrated-

Water plays an important role in day to day life but do you know its also vital for our skin to drink upto 6-8 glasses everyday for glowing skin.But sometimes due to busy schedule you may forget drinking water,to solve this problem you can set remainder in your phone.
Water is on of the best in tips for glowing skin.

Apply moisturizer

 on skin-your skin may become dry in winters or those having dry skin can apply moisturizers.For this purpose you can use moisturizers available in market or can use home-made products like almod oil,coconut oil etc.And you can also make your own moisturizer at home.

Avoid using scents(perfume) or chemically manufactured soaps.

It will damage your skin and lead to skin problems
Avoid makeup at night-Before going to bed bemove your makeup as the makeup products may damage your skin.For this you can use rose water,the best way to apply rosewater on skin is put some rose water on cotton plug then gently rub it over your face.

Take diet rich in nutients

 like fruits(that contain antioxidants), vegetables, pulses, carbohydrates,fats(yes fats also important for skin health)these all must be a part of your diet beside this you can add curd, milk or any other dairy product to your diet.

To remove skin fat you just have to follow a simple step-

In the morning,take one glass warm water, add one tea spoon of honey and few drops of lemon in it.Mix well then drink.
This will reduce you face fat within 2 weeks.

Jogging -

If you are more conscious about your skin health then you can do exercises or yoga also but on routine basis.I am sure your skin will look glower and fairer by just following these simple steps.
I hope you like the above provided information please use it and tell me about your experience.


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